Kensi and Deeks Fanfiction I Want to a Baby With You

Title: Maintaining the Cover
Characters: Kensi Blye, Marty Deeks, OCs
Fandom: NCIS: LA
Series: Long Slow Screws
Written For: N/A
Prompt: long slow screw up against the wall
Summary: Her partner was the last person she expected to see when she walked into the club tonight.
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: N/A
Warnings: Sex, Miscommunication, Swearing
Disclaimer: No one recognizable belongs to me.
Author's Note: So a couple of months ago I wrote a couple of stories with the theme of having sex up against the wall in the Sanctuary and Hawaii Five-0 fandoms. I am intending to write another one for Sanctuary and then I didn't intend to write anymore…but well Kensi and Deeks kinda grabbed ahold of me lately and I have just been wanting to write porn for them…so I did. This ended up not being quite as PWP as I was intending, but well…enjoy! Thanks to illfindmyway   and irishjeeper   who read over most of it while I was writing.
Kiss with a Fist (Sanctuary)
Against the Wall (Sanctuary)
Long Slow Screw (Hawaii Five-0)

Kensi frowned as a flick of blond hair caught her eye. No. It couldn't be him. He was out of town, Hetty had assured the team that when LAPD had pulled him back in, they had sent him out of town on the assignment. That was why she was in this club without physical back-up, Eric's hard to hear voice the only reassurance she wasn't alone. Normally someone would have gone in with her anyway, but Callen and Sam would have stood out too much—too obviously bodyguards in this twisting, bending sea of humanity—so she'd assured them that she could take care of herself; she'd been doing it for years after all and she'd donned the fire engine red dress Hetty deemed suitable and slinked into the club.

There was something familiar about that hair though. And the turn of the body attached to it. Shaking off the hand of the too persistent boy that had been hitting on her, she stalked in the direction of that hair. It took a bit to wind her way through the dancers, especially since more than one person tried to grab ahold of her and entice her into movement. She was a woman on a mission though and she kept her sights locked on the corner where she'd seen the bobbing head.

His back was to her when she reached the small knot of people, mostly female she noted on first glance, and she had a moment to look him over. She just wanted to be sure it was him, she told herself, as her gaze drifted over his body. A black fitted button-down with thin silver pinstripes was tucked into a pair of straight-legged jeans that molded to his ass and legs. Unusually for him, he wore a pair of heavy duty black boots. One arm was curled around the waist of one of the girls near him and he had drawn her close to his side, his head bent towards her.

Kensi tapped him on the shoulder, then stepped back, crossing her arms as he spun around to face her. His blue eyes widened almost comically when he caught sight of her and he yelped, "Baby girl, what? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. You're supposed to be out of town," she reminded him.

He stepped towards her, his hands angling towards her hips, but she slapped them away as she glared at him. "Aw, babe, don't be like that," he told her. "I was going to call you. Really I was."

One of the guys in the group stepped forward, throwing an arm across Deeks's shoulders. "Who is this gorgeous creature, Andrew? And where have you been keeping her? I can see why you'd want to keep her to yourself. Va va va voom, dude."

Kensi put a hand on one hip, leveling a you have got to be kidding me look at the man. "Merry. And he hasn't been keeping me anywhere. He's not gonna be doing much of anything if he doesn't have a damn good reason for lying to me."

Deeks kept his eyes on her as he spoke to the man who'd interrupted them. "Can you excuse us for a few minutes? I think I need to talk to my girl in private."

"I don't think so," Kensi replied. "Whatever you have to say…"

Deeks grabbed her, pulling her flush against him, and lowered his head towards hers. "Don't punch me," he whispered just before covering her mouth with his own. Kensi tensed before relaxing against him, allowing her body to melt into his and letting him support her weight. His hands drifted down until they were cupping her ass and pulling her more firmly against his body. Kensi stiffened at the contact and he relaxed his hold, drawing back from her.

Her hand came up, almost without conscious thought, and she slapped him; his head snapping to the side from the impact. "Don't think you're just going to wind your way back into my bed," she informed him.

"Merry, baby," he tried.

"Don't 'baby' me," she snapped. "You think you can just baby your way to forgiveness every time and it's not going to work this time. You lied to me!"

"Let me explain," he said. "Please?"

Kensi considered for a moment, then nodded, spinning on her heel, and heading for the back hallway. Deeks was caught flat-footed, but hurried to catch up, his hand settling at the small of her back. For a moment she considered shrugging him off, pulling away from the touch, but she was willing to see this through.

Entering the back hallway, he crowded her, pressing her up against the wall and boxing her in with his body. She pushed against him, but he'd pinned her rather efficiently and she couldn't get any leverage. "What the hell?" she demanded.

"You on comms?" he asked, mouth up against her ear and sending an involuntary shiver through her body.

"Yeah. Of course," she answered when she could breathe again.

"Take it out." When she just stared at him for a minute, he sighed. "Trust me. Kensi, I didn't lie to you on purpose. I was out of town. I got back this morning, but I've had someone up my ass right up until you walked up to me and I haven't been able to call my handler much less you or someone else."

She stared into his eyes and realized Deeks hadn't ever lied to her. Left things out, stretched the truth—especially if his cover was involved—but never out and out lied to her. And he always had her back. "Eric?" she spoke just loud enough for the earwig to pick up her voice, hoping it wouldn't carry past where the two of them were standing pressed up against each other. "I'm going off comms for a few. I'll check back in when I can."

"Ms. Blye, are you sure that's the proper response?" Hetty's voice responded in her ear.

"I'm fine, Hetty," Kensi replied, keeping her eyes locked with Deeks's. "My partner has my back."

"Make sure you have his also," Hetty told her.

"I do," Kensi answered, assuring them both. Slipping the earwig out of her ear, she held it in her hand for a moment before tucking it down between her breasts. Deeks's eyes followed her movements, tracking her fingers as they slid into and back out of her dress. "Really?" she whispered.

"What?" he responded. "You're practically daring me to look."

"I'm off comms," she reminded him. "What is going on?"

"No offense, Merry, but I know how good those little toys are." Before she could react, his fingers dipped between her breasts, retrieving the small device. "Sorry," he murmured as he brushed against the side of her skin. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wrapped it before shoving the whole thing into a back pocket. Honestly she had no clue how he got his hand much less anything else into any of those pockets.

"Deeks," she hissed at him.

"Andrew," he reminded her. "What are you doing here? Not that I'm not really happy to see you and thank you very much for not outing me out there. But what the hell?"

From the way he was pressed up against her, Kensi could tell just how happy he was and she wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that. She knew some of it was the adrenaline from the op and being on edge of possibly having both their covers blown, but she also knew there was something that they'd been toying with over the past few weeks. Deeks flirted like he breathed and while she had to admit most of it was annoying as hell, there was a small part of her that enjoyed the attention. He was good at his job, underneath all the banter and blather, and didn't hesitate when things needed to get done. No he wasn't trained the way they were, but she had to admit he was almost as much of a chameleon as Callen—which was saying a lot.

Sliding a hand into his hair and smiling to herself at the shudder that ran through his body as she pressed her lips against his ear. "Dead petty officer," she whispered.

"I think I know…" he started to respond.

"Andrew, I thought you were making up to your girl." The man who'd thrown his arm around Deeks came up beside them, attempting to look down her dress.

Deeks lifted his head from where it was pressed up against her neck. "Dominick, fuck off. Don't you know it's rude to watch when you're not invited?"

"I'm beginning to think you don't really like girls, Drew my man. You've turned down every single one I've pushed at you this week, telling me you've got a fine piece of tail at home. Then we get back here and this very fine piece of ass comes waltzing up to you and you aren't doing a thing other than helping her hold up the wall." From her vantage point, Kensi could see the hard look on the other man's face, even if Deeks couldn't, and her fingers tightened in reaction. "So I really think you need to show me there's actually a point to all this talk."

Deeks didn't answer the other man, but met Kensi's brown eyes with his blue ones. She hoped he could see the trust in him and when his hands slid down her sides, stroking around her hips until they cupped her ass; she knew the message had been received. She gasped involuntarily as he tightened his grip on her and then suddenly lifted her up, nudging her thighs apart with his knee. Bending his head, he pressed his lips against her ear, breathing, "Trust me, Kensi." His head dipped lower, his mouth opening as his teeth scrapped just hard enough to let her know they were there across her neck. She let out a soft moan, unable to hold it in, and not believing he had found that spot so quickly. She wanted to hit him when she felt his lips curve against her neck, but his fingers were slipping under her skirt and finding bare skin, something he obviously wasn't expecting because he paused. "A thong?" he questioned. "Or…" he groaned. "Please tell me you have a thong on."

Letting her mind settle into the persona he'd given her, Kensi hitched her leg up higher, spreading her thighs and rocking her pelvis against Deeks. "Maybe," she teased. "I'm not going to tell you." Trusting that he wouldn't drop her, she slid her hands down his back and into his pockets, using that as leverage to grind him against her and draw a low growl out of him. Intrigued by the reaction, she pressed harder, changing the motion as she rubbed against him.

"Daaaamn," he groaned. Bracing her, he tried to get her to stop, but she nudged against his head, waiting until he met her eyes. Whatever he saw there must have reassured him because he caught her lips with his own, nipping at them until she opened for him. When he drew back, he turned his head slightly to see Dominick still standing there, his dark eyes glued to where Kensi's legs were wrapped around his waist. "Dominick," he growled, "go. Away. I don't share."

Dominick grinned. "You sure? She looks like she's a handful."

"I will fucking shoot you if you don't leave now," Deeks responded. He groaned as Kensi nipped at his neck. "Hell, she'll shoot you. I'll be back out as soon as I'm done here."

Kensi's hands slipped under his shirt, nails scrapping up his back. "An-drew," she said. "I don't do threesomes."

Dominick laughed at her words. "All right. Good luck with her, Drew. Don't take too long or you're going to lose this deal."

"Yeah. Whatever." Deeks moaned as Kensi's hands dipped down into his jeans, grinding him harder against her. He was really glad his gun wasn't in its usual position at the small of his back because otherwise she wouldn't have gotten her hands anywhere near his ass in these pants. Pressing his mouth against her neck, he moved it up until he reached her ear. "When he walks away, I'll put you down," he managed to tell her.

"No," Kensi answered. "Don't stop."

"Kensi." He tilted his head so he could press it against the wall, trying to even out his breathing. "If we don't stop soon. I'm not. Kensi, my control is not infinite."

She pressed her mouth against his pulse point, biting at it, and then soothing the bite with her tongue. "Someone could still be watching," she breathed against his ear. "We have to play this through."

"You, too, then," he answered finally. "I won't use you." He tightened his grip on her, shifting position so she could find what she needed, so she could rub up against him and oh god he was going to hell because she felt so good and instinctively knew just the right amount of pressure even though she was on the inside. He groaned low in his throat, unable to hold it in, and there was a hand in his hair; some small part of his brain latched onto Kensi's, that's Kensi's hand in your hair and then her tongue was invading his mouth. He opened easily, not entirely sure when he had lost control of this situation, but knew it had happened long before he followed her into the back hall tonight.

"That's it," she encouraged him. "Come on." She tilted her head back as he pressed his mouth just under her jawline. "Oh, gawd, D."

"I want to feel you," he whispered, his words just audible over the noise from the club. "I want you to come for me. Please, Kensi."

Something about the words or his tone reached her, Kensi had always been all about casual sex, and she certainly never intended to get involved with her partner, but his words and his touch were too knowing. Her nails dug into his back as she felt a molten pool shoot through her, turning her limbs heavy even as Deeks continued to thrust against her, driving small aftershocks through her body.

He stiffened, pressing harder against her and she wrapped her arms around him as his head drifted down to rest against her shoulder. For a moment Kensi didn't know what to do with her hands, but then she let them wander, stroking up his back as his breathing slowed.

Deeks pressed soft kisses to her neck and Kensi was able to pretend that they hadn't done this to preserve their covers. Lifting his head, he opened his mouth to say something, then frowned, "Is it quieter?"

"N-" Kensi started then realized he was right. "Yeah. Deeks, what's…?"

A bang from the front of the club startled them and Deeks jerked, his fingers tightening on Kensi's body. "Fuck," he swore as he realized what was happening. "Those assholes are early!"

"What?" she demanded. "What's going on?"

Carefully he loosened her legs from his waist, coaxing her down and holding her steady until she could stand on her own. "Listen to me," he said, speaking softly but urgently. "LAPD's raiding the club. I need to get nabbed. It's how I'm getting out. But you cannot get caught. Can you ride a bike in that getup?"

"Yeah. Sure, but, where?"

He fished around in his pocket, digging out the handkerchief he'd stuffed in there earlier, along with a set of keys and something else. "There's a silver Ducati out by the back fence. Take it and get out of here. Listen to me." He stopped her when she started to argue. "No. Don't. Take it and go. Get back to the others. I'll be fine." Bending down, he slid his pant leg up and pulled a gun from a holster tucked into his boot. He pressed the gun, keys, and what she now realized was a flash drive into her hands. "Go. There's a back door that way. The code is six seven nine nine."

"Deeks," she started, hand automatically curling around what she now realized was his Beretta and not a throw down gun.

Roughly he pulled her to him and kissed her fiercely. "No. I'll be fine. But you need to get out of here." He shoved her in the direction of the back door before darting out towards the main room of the club, his hands in the air.

"Damn it, Deeks!" she said in frustration.

Kensi and Deeks Fanfiction I Want to a Baby With You


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